Thousands in Concord rally for McCain

October 20, 2008

By Jim Morrill
Posted: Sunday, Oct. 19, 2008

CONCORD Alan Perez, a small-business owner hoisting a sign that read, “Fight for Joe the Plumber,” was just the kind of voter Republican John McCain was looking for at Saturday’s rally in Concord. …

Breaking News & Weekly Update

October 14, 2008

October 13th, 2008 by Pat McCrory

Dear Supporters,

Yesterday I was honored to receive the endorsements of both the Winston-Salem Journal and the Greensboro News and Record! You can read the full endorsements below in the news section. These big endorsements come on the heels of the Charlotte Observer endorsement last week. Clearly, we have the momentum going into the final three weeks of the campaign. …

McCrory’s chances concern Democrats

October 6, 2008

Poll shows mayor has big lead among independents.

By Jim Morrill
ASHEVILLE Democrats are increasingly bullish about the chances of their presidential and U.S. Senate candidates in North Carolina. It’s the governor’s race that worries some….

Dole votes ‘nay’

October 2, 2008

Dole votes ‘no,’ but bailout passes Senate

RALEIGH — Republican Sen. Elizabeth Dole voted against a revised $700 billion bailout of the nation’s financial industry, but her colleagues passed the measure by a lopsided margin.

Senators loaded the economic rescue bill with tax breaks and other sweeteners before passing it 74-25, a month before the presidential and congressional elections.

Despite the alterations, Dole was unswayed. Before the vote, she called the proposal “a government takeover of our economy with no protection for taxpayers.” While she said the relief package was an improvement over the Bush administration’s original plan, Dole said it does nothing to fix the housing crisis largely blamed for triggering the meltdown of the nation’s credit markets….